The international recruitment of health personnel is regulated by WHO Code of Practice

WHO codes is to define and develop voluntary principles and practises for ethical international health people recruitment, taking into consideration the rights, duties, and expectations of source, destination, and migrant health workers;

This guideline is meant to guide Member States in developing or strengthening their frameworks for international health recruitment. It provides basic recommendations for the creation and implementation of treaties, agreements, and other arbitral instruments.

These codes support and promote worldwide dialogue and collaboration on issues connected to ethical recruitment and hiring of health workers as part of building health systems, with a special focus on the circumstances of poor countries- and to learn more contact the top health care recruiting companies in Dubai!

The Code has a global scope and is intended to serve as a guide for Member States as they collaborate with stakeholders such as health workers, recruiters, employers, health-professional organisations, relevant regional and sub-regional, and global organisations, whether public or private, including nongovernmental organisations, and all others involved in international health personnel recruitment.

The Code establishes ethical guidelines for international health professionals’ recruitment in order to boost the healthcare systems of developing nations, countries in transition, and tiny island governments.

Principles that should be followed

The wellness of all people is critical to the achievement of peace and security, and it is contingent on individuals and nations cooperating fully. Governments have a duty to their citizens' health, which can only be met by implementing proper health and social policies. When creating public health policies and collaborating with one another, Member Authorities should adopt the Code into account.

It is critical to address current and future shortfalls in the health workers in order to safeguard global health. If recruiting is correctly handled, global migration of health workers may make a significant contribution to the growth and improvement of health systems.

Setting voluntary based predominantly and coordinating government legislation on international health staff recruitment are desirable, however, in order to advance structures for equitably strengthening health systems worldwide, mitigating the deleterious effects of health staff migration on developing countries' health systems, and safeguarding health personnel rights.

The specific requirements and circumstances of countries, particularly emerging and transitional economies that are more vulnerable to health worker shortages and/or have inadequate ability to execute the Code's recommendations, should be taken into account. To the degree practicable, developed nations should offer technical and financial help to developing states in transition with the goal of improving health systems, particularly the development of health staff. Call Dubai licensing exam for Doctors!

Member States should consider the right of the populations of origin countries to the standard of health, as well as the personal freedoms of caregivers to end up leaving any country in compliance with existing laws, in order to reduce the negative effects of population movement on the healthcare systems of source countries and maximise the positive effects of population movement on the healthcare systems of source countries.


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